
Our Rules

We want you to have the best experience when using All nighter studios, But we ask you respect the 10 commandments;

  1. Keep Doors in your session Closed – please respect our neighbours.
  2. No use of Drugs, Smoking and Vaping, Canisters and balloon gas In Studios or Premises. Any breaking of this rule will result in a £70 Fine.
  3. You take full responsibility for the room & equipment during your booking.
  4. Drinks are allowed in sessions, but please keep them away from equipment. If there are any spillages please clean it up straight away.
  5. Any purpose damage to equipment will encounter a fine and membership removal.
  6. Please Tidy up after your session in time for the next customer.
  7. Switch off the air-con/heater after use.
  8. Please allow time to pack up just before your session ends, time breaching over 10 minutes will result in a £35 fine.
  9. Do not move any chairs or equipment out of the room.
  10. Please check and test all equipment before you start your session. Please report any damages or faults immediately to us via our live chat or email. Remember, we have spares on site 😉

We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notifying you if you are in breach of our Rules. When using our Studios you hereby accept and affirm you will abide by our rules as indicated above as well as any other clauses within these Terms.

If you have any questions about the above, feel free to contact our customer support team via live chat or email (support@allnighterstudios.com) who will happily clarify things for you.